Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lobstah and Loading

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So we leave next weekend! We're staying at Shaun's parent's home in Layton, until we can find our own place to leave. We'll act fast as we do have kids that need to be in school too.

Because we are leaving so fast, we are trying to get in everything we can and getting in all the activities we can. I know we'll miss this place, as we already do. It's been so fun and so different than anyplace we've lived before. I love it!

Here we are cooking our own lobstah, as they call it here. Everyone drops their "r"s. Except our friends here Leah and Jim Danala and Nick and Janelle Baser. We've loved getting to know them here! Great friends for life!

Oh, and the lobster, was Awesome!

About Us

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We are the parents of now 4 fabulous kids. We laugh, dance, sing, play, and do everything we can together to have the best this life can give. So far, it has been great and only keeps getting better. We are on a great adventure of happiness. The bumps in the road just make it more real.