Thursday, November 13, 2008

Halloween Sweets

Here we all are just about to go out and about in the cold to trick for treats. As most of you know, we live in this cute little, and I mean tiny, village of Rangeley Maine. There are about 1,000 people here year round and everyone knows one another.

I happened upon this new family, pictured with us, and they also were new. It worked great for us, and we became instant friends. It was also perfect that they had a son Gabriel's age and a daughter Victoria's age. I get along great with their mom. So here we are all together in our cabin with Lydia as a bag of 100% Pure Sugar and a bucket that says, "Spice and Everything Nice", because that's what little girls are made of; Gabe as the infamous Harry Potter; Tori as a mermaid princess; AJ as a speedracer; and gorgeous little Cadence as Sleeping Beauty. I'm on the left and Kristy is on the right. Our kids ended up with coughs as it had snowed and melted the day before and was pretty cold! We had a great night though and ended at our friends' the Danalas passing out candy and enjoying friends.

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About Us

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We are the parents of now 4 fabulous kids. We laugh, dance, sing, play, and do everything we can together to have the best this life can give. So far, it has been great and only keeps getting better. We are on a great adventure of happiness. The bumps in the road just make it more real.